Therapy for Teens in Orange County, California.

Newport Beach, CA


Mental Health Counseling for Teens in Newport Beach, California

Does My Teenager Need Therapy?

“Good habits formed at youth make all the difference” — Aristotle. New life experiences, biological changes, and social pressure combine in adolescence to create the perfect storm. Our teens face unique stressors, and many of them lack the internal and external support and structure needed to succeed. As your child advances from elementary school to middle and high school, special attention must be given to their academic, social, and emotional wellbeing. We help teenagers identify their strengths and form new habits that help them improve coping, self-esteem and success. If your child is struggling, give us a call we would love to help (949) 793-0122. Learn more about our therapy services for teenagers below.

Learn About Common Mental Health Concerns in Adolescence and How We Help:

Teenage Anxiety

Teenage Depression

Teenage ADHD

About Therapy for Teenagers

How Can Therapy Help?

To answer the question of “does my teenager need therapy,” we often start by identifying a specific area of impairment or dysfunction. In other words, is there difficulty in a particular setting (i.e. school, work, home) or task (i.e. studying, making friends, respecting authority figures)?

Here Are A Few Examples:

  • Poor academic performance

  • Loneliness or difficulty making friends

  • Frequent conflict with family members

  • Skipping classes

  • Criminal activity

  • Difficulty studying or staying on task

  • Poor organizational skills

  • Self-harm or thoughts of suicide

If your teen struggles socially, academically, or emotionally, let us help. Left untreated, these issues can get worse and develop into serious and chronic problems that last through adulthood (Brimblecombe et al, 2015).

If you think your teenager many be anxious or depressed give us a call and we can help you schedule your first appointment. We would love to hear from you and talk about how we can help. While we work with families from all over Orange County, our office is located is Newport Beach and borders the city of Irvine. Our mission is to help teens and their families find answers, overcome hardship, and move towards a brighter future. We accomplish our mission through assessment (testing and diagnosis) and psychotherapy (treatment) services. To read more about our assessment services, check out our pages on psychological testing and diagnosis. To learn more about our therapy services for teens, read on!

What Is Teen Therapy?

Psychotherapy is the most effective treatment option for youth with emotional, social, or academic difficulty (Cartwright‐Hatton et al, 2004; Huey Jr. et al, 2008). Therapy provides teens with a confidential, non-judgmental space to share their experiences, feel heard, and find solutions to their issues. Although many parents aspire to provide this for their children, the parent-child relationship tends to make certain topics feel off-limits. Additionally, the expertise of a licensed professional provides evidence-based treatment techniques tailored specifically to your teen’s unique psychology.

Although some initial collaboration will happen with the parent/guardian, sessions are held one-on-one between the teen and psychotherapist. This boundary dramatically promotes progress and helps teenagers feel invested in the process. However, some information may be shared with parents with the teen’s consent. Additionally, if a risk concern is disclosed in session (i.e. strong motivation for suicidal behavior), that information is shared to help keep your child safe.

How Do We Do Teen Therapy?

The OC Psychology Center for Assessment and Psychotherapy provides top-of-the-line treatment and assessment services for teens in Newport Beach and across the Orange County area. Our therapy utilizes evidence-based techniques to identify and apply the most effective strategy for helping your teen move towards their goals. Our therapy relies heavily on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which has been proven to be the most effective method for rapid symptom reduction (Cohen, Berliner, & Mannarino, 2010; Ishikawa, Okajima, Matsuoka, & Sakano, 2007; Sze & Wood, 2008). In addition to CBT, we also draw from theories such as Psychodynamic, Family Systems, and Humanism in our treatment process to analyze deeper issues that may precipitate problematic behaviors.

As Your Teen Engages In Our Psychotherapy Services, They Will Learn To:

  • Regulate their emotions

  • Communicate with parents

  • Make better decisions

  • Feel motivated to study and work hard in school

  • Identify problematic ways of thinking

  • Organize tasks effectively

  • Work with teachers and other school staff

  • Make new friends and deepen relationships

  • Maintain healthy habits

Sometimes parents may feel nervous or uncomfortable at first when seeking treatment for their kids – we know what that is like. We prioritize the needs of our clients, and we strive to help you and your teen overcome barriers to wellbeing.


Will Your Teen Benefit From Help With Anxiety, Depression or ADHD?


 About our team

Psychologists & Counselors Specializing In The Unique Challenges Of Childhood & Adolescence.

Want to learn more about our team of child, adolescent and young adult behavioral health specialists?  Click the button below to learn more about our credentials and areas of specialty.

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